The Story
Long before us, the cute creatures of this world ran amok with not a care in the world. They always figured their cutness allowed them to do anything and get away with it. Ever wondered how those holes in your socks got there? Or why your keys disappeared? Or why babies cry? Or why the Leaning Tower of Pisa is actually leaning? Hrrmmm…
These diabolically adorable creatures have evolved over time, forming a new species called ‘The FluffyFriends’. Today, you’ll find The FluffyFriends in homes all over the world, chomping with love and causing maintainable mischief. Sure, they are really cute and cuddly, but watch out! Each of them have some deep angst that can turn their delightful smiles into savage snarls very quickly!
But fear not friends, studies show that the better buddies you are with these shaggy monstrosities, the less likely you are to get chomped… but that hasn’t been proven. So what are you waiting for? Now is the time to make your newest, fiercest B.C.F.
(bestest chomping friend) today and join in the chompin’ fun!

The FluffyFriends™ are designed by Jordan Owen of YOPO Design Co.
This line of toys was created for kids and adults alike. They are ‘analog’ and connect with a different set of senses than a lot of today's toys offer. Being able to ‘control’ the toy yourself activates imaginations and unlocks stories that were waiting to be discovered. Play on, players.